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교수 직급 진료 교육 연구 보직
김영철 교수 화순 총론, 폐기능검사, 동맥혈가스검사 폐암 임상 및 중개연구  
임성철 교수 광주 만성폐쇄성폐질환, 호흡부전, 급성호흡곤란증후군 만성폐쇄성폐질환, 호흡부전 내과장
김유일 교수 광주 폐렴, 객혈, 기관지확장증, 수면환기장애 만성폐쇄성폐질환, 금연, 노년 호흡기질환 공공보건의료실장
오인재 교수 화순 폐암, 폐결절, 종격동질환, 직업성질환, 폐이식 폐암, 폐혈관질환, 금연  
권용수 교수 광주 폐결핵, 비결핵성 항산균 폐질환 결핵, 비결핵성 항산균 폐질환 분과장
박철규 부교수 화순 흉막질환, 폐혈관질환 폐암, 호흡기질환 전산실장(화순)
신홍준 부교수 광주 간질성 폐질환 간질성 폐질환, 만성폐질환  
김태옥 부교수(기) 광주 폐혈관질환 중환자의학, 호흡기질환 내과계 중환자실장
박하영 조교수(임) 빛고을   금연, 호흡기질환  
고보건 조교수(임) 광주   중환자의학, 호흡기질환  
오형주 조교수(임) 화순   폐암, 호흡기질환  
이재경 조교수(임) 학동   만성폐쇄성폐질환, 호흡기질환  
박화경 조교수(임) 화순   폐암, 호흡기질환  
나영옥 임상진료교수 학동   간질성폐질환, 호흡기질환  
윤창석 조교수(임) 학동   중환자의학, 호흡기질환  
Staffs Title Clinic Education(Lectures) Researchs Assignment
Young-Chul Kim Professor Hwasun Introduction, PFT, ABG, Lung cancer clinical and translational  
Sung-Chul Lim Professor Gwangju COPD, Respiratory failure, ARDS COPD, Respiratory failure Chief of Internal Medicine
Yu-Il Kim Professor Gwangju Pneumonia, Hemoptysis, Bronchiectasis, Sleep disorder, hemoptysis COPD, Smoking, Gediatric Chief of public health care (Gwangju)
Yong-Soo Kwon Professor Gwangju Tuberculosis, NTM Tuberculosis, NTM Chief of division
In-Jae Oh Professor Hwasun Lung cancer, Mediastinum, Occupational disease, Transplantation Lung cancer, Pulmonary vascular disease  
Cheol-Kyu Park Associate professor Hwasun Pleural disease, Pulmonary vascular disease Lung cancer, Pulmonary disease Chief of Computing department (Hwasun)
Hong-Jun Shin Associate professor Gwangju Interstitial lung disease Interstitial lung disease, Pulmonary disease  
Tae-Ok Kim Associate professor Gwangju   Critical care, Pulmonary disease Chief of MICU(Gwnagju)
Ha-Young Park Assistant professor Bitgoeul   Smoking, Pulmonary disease  
Bo-Gun Kho Assistant professor Gwnagju   Critical care, Pulmonary disease  
Hyung-Joo Oh Clinical professor Gwnagju   Lung cancer, Pulmonary disease  
Jae-Kyeong Lee Clinical professor Hwasun   Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Pulmonary disease  
Hwa-Gyeong Park Clinical professor Hwasun   Lung cancer. Pulmonary disease  
Young-Ok Na Clinical professor Gwangju   Interstitial lung disease. Pulmonary disease  
Chang seok Yoon Clinical professor Gwangju   Critical care. Pulmonary disease